

Here they are: The fresh biweekly Gauss tips from July 20th, 2022 to August 2nd, 2022

Theater- and Performance festival RENE – until July 21st

RENE is new, RENE is renewable and 2022 RENE wants to recycle! RENE shows what has been (almost) thrown away, what has been accumulated or left lying around during the last two years of pandemic. Whether by giving it a final polish or completely remelting it, RENE offers the chance to recycle. In addition to approximately 15 Lower Saxony-wide theater and performance collectives presenting their work, there are various installations to be seen on our festival campus. The supporting program of the festival consists of an opening night with a concert, a festival party and a closing pub night at Nexus. Furthermore, workshops on the topics of classism and sexual diversity as well as a dance and movement program and the possibility of screen printing are included in the planning.

Art exhibition – Peter Westwood: Caught by surprise – until July 24th, 2022

The Australian artist Peter Westwood is a guest at the HBK Braunschweig as part of the university partnership with the School of Art / RMIT University Melbourne. Under the title “Caught by surprise” he shows works from the last five years of his work in the university gallery until July 24, 2022. In his works “…Peter Westwood deals with unpredictability and sensory perception as extended points in time. Westwood views painting as an unstable art form and the act of painting as a mutable experience, so the true content of his work seems to lie behind the actual works.” (Lesley Harding, Artistic Director, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne, June 2022).

© Verein für sexuelle Emanzipation e.V.

Raising of the rainbow flag (start of the „Sommerlochfestival“) – July 29th, 2022 at 4:00 pm

With the raising of the rainbow flag in front of the city hall by the mayor Dr. Thorsten Kornblum, the official starting signal for the two-week supporting program of the „Summerlochfestival“ is given on this day.

Braunschweig’s queer community, groups and associations will again organize a two-week supporting program this year. Whether reading, party, workshop, lecture, cinema or culinary – there is something for every taste.