Registration – International dance course

Dear dancers,

According to the Lower Saxony Regulations to reform the measures against the spread of the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 (Lower Saxony Corona Regulations), following hygiene regulations apply for the international dance course.

  • Admission only with negative test proof (antigen rapid test not older than 24 hours or PCR-test not older than 48 hours), complete Covid-19 vaccination or recovery proof (positive PCR test, min. 28 days and max. 6 months old or booster vaccine after 6 months).
  • Collection of contact data in accordance with Section 5 of the Corona Regulations in electronic form (Luca App) or, in individual cases, in paper form.

The data will be kept for three weeks and deleted afterwards.

We reserve the right to issue a house ban if these guidelines are violated.

Registration form - Dance course

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