Gauss Haus Project – 16 days left…

Gauss Haus Project – 16 days left…

A highlight in the history of the Gauss Haus Project was the organization of the Welcome Event for international students on 11.10.2018 at the Haus der Kulturen. At the beginning, the participants were welcomed in different languages. The program followed with the welcome of the AStA Board, the AStA Department for International Students, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla (President of the TU Braunschweig) as well as Prof. Dr. Katja Koch (Vice President for Teacher Training and Knowledge Transfer). The program was accompanied by live music and the international and German students presented various gifts to the president and vice president.
After the main program an information fair took place, where the Language Center, the S.o.S.-Project , SCOUT, the International Office and ESN, presented their offers.
Never before in the history of a Welcome Event we had so many participants. Queues of people formed because we reached room capacity. Despite the hard work, we were very happy to organize a great Welcome Event.