Here they are: The fresh biweekly Gauss tips from September 22nd to October 5th, 2021
Shop window exhibition in Kultviertel – until October 10th, 2021
The shop window exhibition with around 100 historical impressions from the entire city center, which were compiled with the support of citizens, the Arbeitsausschuss Innenstadt Braunschweig (AAI) e.V., the city archive and other partners, can be seen in the shop windows of numerous stores in the Kultviertel at least until October 10th. There are numerous motifs of the entire Braunschweig city center to be seen – the basis for this can be created by the Braunschweig inhabitants themselves.
Intercultural Week 2021: How #open does Braunschweig go? – September 30th, 2021 at 6:00 pm
How #open does Braunschweig go? This is the question we are asking ourselves during the intercultural week 2021 at the TRAFO Hub.
A colorful evening program focusing on the exchange of experiences of people who have moved to Germany and other groups such as the queer scene.
The event is the kick-off of a series of events to promote and bring together intercultural exchange between different reference groups (travelers, startup/business scene, international students and international associations).
Together with three speakers sharing their experiences, we would like to discuss how we can promote interculturality and community. We, that is the Haus der Kulturen, TRAFO Hub, Gauss Friends e.V. and Journey Stamps.
The discussion will be accompanied by a colorful supporting program with music by Fabien Diffé and Mellow as well as various information booths of international associations and culinary offerings.
Two photographic views of Kiryat Tivon – a conversation: Gerd Druwe and Gal Mosenson (live from Kiryat Tivon) – October 2nd, 2021 at 7:00 pm
The Country Group Israel & Palestine in the Ecumenical Learning Foundation invites you to the photo exhibition “Voluntary. Versatile. Impressive“. In the photo exhibition ten young people from the region around Braunschweig show what impressed them during their voluntary service in Kiryat Tivon and Jerusalem. The impressions are diverse – sometimes they are personal, sometimes anecdotal, and sometimes they were taken in the midst of the local political situation.
The photo exhibition can be seen from September 1st to October 15th in St. Michaelis in Braunschweig – daily from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
An extensive supporting program is also planned: Among other things, there will be a conversation on October 2nd between Gerd Druwe and – live from Kiryat Tivon – Gal Mosenson, who will talk about their photographic views of Braunschweig’s twin city.
More information here.
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