Gauss-Telegraph: The Gauss Haus at the Festival contre le racisme

Gauss Telegraph: The Gauss Haus at the Festival contre le racisme

For the 18th time already, the festival contre le racisme will take place in June this year, called for by the Bundesverband Ausländischer Studierender (BAS) and the freier zusammenschluss von student*innenschaften. The festival is intended to fight against xenophobia of any kind.

The Gauss Friends and the Gauss Haus Project at the Research Institute for Teacher Education also support this cause and will therefore once again jointly invite you to their part of the festival contre le racisme on 23 and 24 June 2020.

During the two days a varied programme awaits you, where not only racism problems will be discussed, but also different cultures will be celebrated.

Everybody is invited to take a virtual look, to inform themselves, to discuss, to celebrate and to set an example against discrimination!


All events take place online. Participation is free via the live stream on Facebook!

Test your knowledge about racism in our virtual quiz!

Many people with foreign roots are confronted with racism and discrimination in their daily lives. For this reason, the Gauss Theme Evening on Tuesday will include the opportunity to take a closer look at this topic. As part of the festival contre le racisme, you can look into the data on racism and learn new facts. The quiz – just like all the other events mentioned above – takes place virtually via live stream on Facebook.

During the event on Tuesday evening the book “Deutschland Schwarz Weiß – Der alltäglicher Rassismus” (German) by Noah Sow will be raffled among all quiz participants (delivery within Germany).

Come by (online) and fight against discrimination this way!